During this period, Agid works with 5 studios combined in France : Paris (Base) with annex in Bourgogne, Clermont Ferrand (Multimedia-hypermedia laboratory), Thiers (Matrice d’Entraygues), Le Havre (Bureau connected to activities of the city).
A storage in New York conserved an unachieved work in progress since 1995.
1994 – 2004 « PRESENT »
Two simultaneous spaces combined in a distance.
Double studio laboratory of art and architecture : various experiences realized at full scale between the cities of Clermont-Ferrand and Le Havre.
“Tact”, city of Le Havre, experiences about sectorial activities
“Nuit”, city of Clermont-Ferrand, urban visions by image conception
Full scales actions realised simultanesly in the two places :
– « Ici nuit », « 1000 nuits pile », « Moment » 1995,
– « Marque », « Full moon » 1996,
– « LOCAL DREAM » (with army), « Tact » 1997,
– « UN » (with Le Havre city and harbour), « Emission » 1998,
–« Extrait » 1999,
– « Minute », « Thing song » 2000,
– « Effect », « Antipode » 2001,
– « PRESENT », « Clfrd o havre » (conclusion of Secteur-Cité image) 2002,
– « Instant d’objet » (Paris-Le Mans), « Pré » 2003.
– « Vers la nouvelle lune », « Parking » 2004 (urban synthetic acts)
Numeric editions and publications
Direction of multimedia : Christian Morin. Direction of sound : Emmanuel Lalande.
Production : Agid, architecture school of Clermont-Ferrand, art school of Le Havre, ministery of Culture, multimedia studios, private partnerships.
2000 – 2009 « SCHEMA, image grammar »
Experiences about dynamical forms in duration with three laboratories
These spaces work in the idea of the futur media systems
Paris – Clermont-Ferrand : « Nuit », multimedia laboratory connected to a platform of actions, in connexion with peripheric territories.
Paris – Le Havre : « Trésor », image conservation of present mutations.
In connexion with City of Le Havre France, harbour, industries, art school, Image Orchestra.
City of Thiers, middle France : « Vallée de l’invisible – Image light ».
A human experience about duration
Living art work settled in a building factory of the Vallée des usines, Ville de Thiers France. (MdeE is the continuation of « En fer » (1986)).
The work builds an image in duration about the metamorphosis of a local city somewhere.
Production Matrice d’Entraygues Association with the support of regional institutions private and industial partners
2000 – 2009 NUIT / TACT
AGID Principal operations realised from 1997 until 2004
Two monumental basic actions through delicate domains
1997-1998 UN,
Full scale event in the city of Le Havre, combining urban actions and stagings in three buildings : Hangar 12 (10000m2), BCMO historical dockers building, Irish Ferries Station. Production Secteur, Port Autonome du Havre, City of Le Havre, Regional cultural affairs.
Local dream,
Ephemeral monumental action in collabration with Army in three buildings and an esplanade, city of Clermont-Ferrand. Production Cité image, Atelier Nuit, DMD Puy de Dôme, 92è RI, industrial partners,
Création in two parts for an electricity factory and its population
1997-1998 Une fois
(in night) Creation for the power station of electricity in Vitry sur Seine, France. Light and sound architectural installation in the space of the factory. Production : EDF, private partnerships.
(during day) second part of Une fois. Action event in the power station of electricity in Vitry sur Seine, France. Installations and shows involving the staff of the factory and Vitry’s activities associations. Production : EDF, Town of Vitry, private partnerships.
Action from Europa towards Latin America
1998-2001 Translimamix
Lima Peru. Peripheric Lima city is considered in a contemporary Inca development. Study, films, photos, paintings, numeric pictures, CD Rom, CD audio.
Radio imagen Event in Lima- Peru, in whole Parque Mariscal Castilla, Linse. Creation of the acting group Aguaitones and of the Orquesta Limamix.
Translima. back personal exhibition in Lima and study to Cuszco. French interlocutor : Servane Zanotti. Production : Agid, Association Française d’Action Artistique (AFAA), French Ambassy in Peru, Cultural Services District of Linse, Alta Tecnologia Andina (ATA) and private partnerships.
Light image manifest
2002 Eclat
Lyon, Fête des lumières
Synthtical action event in the whole building of a sugar factory and outside, presqu’île Confluence. Manifest of lights and image, Lyon in mutation, Fête des lumières. (5,6,7,8 of december and added 13 décembre for a city feast). Production : Agid (A), Fachard (LEA), City of Lyon, Club des partenaires Lyon and independant private partnership.
2003 Where
Paris, nuit blanche, Les Halles
Sound space action. Place Carrée and gardens in collaboration with Jean-Jacques Palix. Production : Art Public Contemporain, J.D. Secondi.
Finalisation of Cité image and Secteur
2004 Vers la nouvelle lune
Clermont-Ferrand: Night event in the former hospital Sabourin : full scale of the building, annexes and park. A vision of the plaine of Clermont Ferrand in Massif central and architectural laboratory projekt . Production : Agid, Nuit, Architecture school of Clermont Ferrand, regional Prefecture, town of Clermont-Fd, Culture and Comunication Ministery, private partners.
night action exhibition in a whole new city parking of Le Havre. Production Museal laboratory, art school of Le Havre, private partners
2004 – 2009 WAY , combined actions in defined times
AGID Principal operations realised from 2004 until 2009
2004 – « A »
Paris, base (central studio) : new organisation for the production of the pieces.
Réunion d’hiver First recorded debate about operationnal art.
2005 «IN, dedans » – architecture de la pensée, Nuit d’octobre
Event introduction for an expérience in 3 parts,. Film « In » combines images and talk sentences with Alain Prochiantz, neuroscientist. Production Plateau Web – Nuit, avec Studio A and Coclico Agency.
The triple act called « WAY » forms the state of « Schema »
Second part of WAY – quel est l’objet des actes, realisation for an action day and night with meeting and full scale installation. Production : Plateau Web – Nuit, Clermont Ferrand, in direct connexion with Matrice d’Entraygues.
AOT1 , Action staged at Matrice d’Entraygues, with plastic industry Thiers : Portraits d’activités, activity portrait. Second part AIR2 in 2008. Production with local partners, Regional Institution. Combined to « OBJET » at the same time.
Experience about visible human groups transformations on a distance
2007- 2009 WAY, Dynamic scale, échelle dynamique
Experience by a travel from Massif central (France) to Istanbul, through Milan – Ljubljana – Belgrade – Thessalonique – Sofia – Istanbul, with a 7 persons team, during may 2009.
Post production is engaged for a period of 3 years. The post production constitutes a vision which caracterises in image the differences of mutation forms in different places on a distance.
A second part of this work is engaged about Mediterannée and to oriental Asia (Atlantic – Pacific, Indian Ocean).
Production : Agid, Bureau de la Recherche en Architecture, Urbanisme et Paysage, Ministère de la Culture, Ecole d’Architecture de Clermont-Ferrand, Conseil Régional d’Auvergne, Commissariat à l’Aménagement du Massif Central and partners of the visited countries.
The actions « IN » 2004, « OBJET » 2007, « WAY, Dynamic scale», 2009, form a synthetic vision.
2001 Acte Image
Synthetical exhibition with resume catalogue, Le Quartier, Centre d’Art contemporain de Quimper, France. Curator : Dominique Abensour
2007 Par quel mystère on est là – how are we here,
exhibition with meeting in la Hervois Joseph Dutertre gallery, France.