Conclusion of the laboratories expériences realised from 1994 until 2009
AGID Principal opérations realised from 2009 until 2014
Orient, China1,
travel to Xi’An with team, for photography and film
Production : Ville du Havre, Esadhar
Thing storage,
first study travel between New York and Detroit, in relation with a collection kept in New York since 1995
This work has been engaged at the beginning of the révolution in North Africa in Tunisia, to ask question about the peripheric areas of the city of Tunis. What have has transformed the minds ?
Medway is a tentative to consider Tunis contexts with image writing.
7 travels for création of a specific image laboratory, 2011, 2014
A large production of pictures, vidéo films and theoric analysis result of this transversal expérience.
Production Agid, ENAU, ISAMM, French cultural services, Tunisian Cultural Ministery.
MedWay forms a second part about the expérience of « WAY ».
AIR, Matrice d’Entraygues
– AIR1, First part, 2009: New expérience in the night to significate the space of the valley where is implanted the studio laboratory.
– AIR2, Second part, 2010 : sound experience with a torrent in an industrial valley treated as a big sound studio, Thiers, two days and one evening in night. Vision built by music compositions for a multimedia post production.
– AIR3, Third part, 2011 : Activity time, exhibition and emissions with partners of Matrice d’Entraygues about their activities.
CELL, Multicell,
indépendant laboratory about the relation beetween local spaces and planetary dimensions and dynamics. 2009 – 2013
Serial of actions to consider the humans positions and collective comportements
Activity time, Les choses des autres, actions about the idea of collective minds.
Realisation of a seral film, with interviews and images. 2012
No talk, Infra, Event with 20 young architects asking question about the mutations forms of our comportments, 2013
Silence noir, Animals, Abri, living actions about the idea of animal comportments, 2014
Numbirds Orchestra,
image sound orchestra,
Les Oiseaux numériques, public show in mai 2012, whith a night meeting in Clermont-Ferrand. Production Agid, Matrice d’Entraygues, ENSACF
Snow Band Orchestra, Action with concert, danses and projections on snow, Rouen Aître St Maclou, Production Museal Laboratory, Numbirds
Nuit des métamorphoses,
large scale event in the Abbaye of Graville in the city of Le Havre, including parck, muséum and church. Image sound concert inside the Church with specific compositions. Production Agid, Studio A, Studio Piednu, Musée d’art et d’histoire, Havre muséums, Monum, Esadhar-Laboratoire muséal.
Image du present en train de se faire: serial of conferences and seminaries with image screens: 1- “in what do we believe” 2- “What is an image ?” 3- “Creation pragmatisms”, Museal laboratory